Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fiber News

Right into fiber content! I finished a felted bag this weekend. It's made from singles that I purchased at the Madrona Fiber Arts Winter Retreat from Oregon Wool. The button is from Sheila Ernst. I didn't use a pattern, so I cast on 48 stitches on size 11 needles (I used my glass circulars from Sheila and Michael - they rock!) When I started the top flap, I picked up 18 stitches across the back and then I added two stitches every fourth row until I had 24 stitches, then I reduced every other row. This gave the handles room on the sides.

I started another bag right away since I was going for a smaller size bag but I got over zealous with the stitches when I cast on. The other bag is underway and has 28 stitches around. I have another lovely Sheila button and enough of the red and blue singles to get it done.

On other fiber news, Tina and I purchased a CVM (California Varigated Mutant (for non-spinning/sheep readers - this is a sheep)) fleece at the Whidbey Island Weaver's Spin-In. We saw that Superior Fibers from Edmonds, WA was at the Spin-In and we decided to give them a try. Tina and I picked up the processed fleece today and it turned out wonderful! I can't wait to start spinning this soft, creamy, springy roving. I have almost 2 pounds to spin, which could be a nice sweater for someone.


Sheila E said...

I Love your new purse!!...& I am very pleased to have one of my buttons on it! Sure goes nice with the bag!
Your new fleece is lovely! Giving you lots of spinning to do...and you betcha, it will make a beautiful sweater.
So, now I know what you have been up to!

Melanie said...

Cute bag! The CVM looks like it was processed with lots of TLC. It's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

That bag is too cute! The button is a good match - just like you thought it would be. And that roving - yum... I know I've missed their two week window, but I'm taking me some fleece over there!

Anonymous said...

WOWEE Wow !! That was a fast turn-around from Whidbey to final-processed-into-CVM!! Good decision.
I can hardly wait to see it in person. Maybe at the next spin-in at Village?
Good job with that felted bag -- very cute.

jenknits said...

Lovely bag! And the fiber - yummy!